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  Sharing is caring (L). (R) The new story book “The lost is found” in Khmer and English, written, illustrated and printed by DC3 team.   Our first stop, Beung O’Lork village-ភូមិបឹងឧិឡោក Chilren at Kos Krolaw village-ភូមិគាស់ក្រឡ, got their books, shirts and toys.   For 2 weeks in June, a team of students and volunteers mostly from Diamond Canyon Christian Church and Golden west Christian Church endured scorching weather and high humidity to serve in Battambang, Cambodia. The group was divided into 7 teams – leadership training (LTI), teaching English (ESL), computer lab, medical/dental providers, personal grooming, handy women and village ministry. Prayer groups started at 5AM followed by the intense training of LTI, ESL and the computer lab. 300 people attended daily for an entire week. Over 250 pairs of sunglasses, 200 reading glasses and 350 t-shirts, as well as personal hygiene items were distributed. On week 2, a…

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